This pillar focuses on conducting and sharing research to improve our understanding and response to gender-based violence. It asks, “How can we combine knowledge to create real change?”


Key goals include:

– Ensuring that government departments, organisations, and others share data and findings on GBV and femicide for a deeper understanding.

– Using this research to evaluate the effectiveness of current solutions and find areas for improvement.

By promoting collaboration in research, this pillar aims to build a more informed and effective approach to fighting GBV.

Five-Year Outcomes

6.1. Improved understanding of the extent and nature of GBVF, broadly and in relation to specific groups and forms in South Africa;

6.2. Adoption of GBV policies and programming interventions that are informed by existing evidence-based research;

6.3. GBVF related information across different government management information systems, is readily used to


There is strong alignment between the overall objective of MOSAIC’s strategy and all the six Pillars and related outcomes of the NSP GBVF. In particular, MOSAIC is explicitly aligned and can make a significant contribution to Pillars Two, Three and Four, focusing on prevention and rebuilding social cohesion, justice, safety and protection and also response, care, support and healing. Our experiences and strategic goals can contribute towards Pillar Six, focussing on research and information management.

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