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About Us


MOSAIC works to prevent and reduce abuse and domestic violence by providing holistic, integrated services for the healing and empowerment of women through support services, access to justice and training.


To ensure that abuse and violence against women in all its forms and manifestations is eradicated in our society.

MOSAIC exists to empower women and girl survivors of domestic violence and abuse by creating enabling environments for them and supporting them through their healing process and ensuring that they become positive, and active drivers of change in their own lives. Providing psycho-social support services is not enough, therefore our theory of change incorporates advocacy. MOSAIC’s approach and focus is to change the holistic personal life change for survivors, making positive changes in their lives, relationships and their view of the future. In order for this theory to become a reality, MOSAIC invests a portion of its efforts in ensuring participation in networks, conversations and campaigns that will effectively change the situation for women and girls who are exposed to violence and crime. This approach drives every pillar and enables survivors to develop a voice and courage to change their own situations.

MOSAIC’s theory of change is based on the assumption that violence and abuse against women and girls affect their life-cycle, in a way that is, mentally, physically and economically debilitating and thus affecting the way the survivor sees themselves, how they relate to others, and how they see their future. Therefore, MOSAIC focuses on ensuring that the situation and lives for women is changed through the continuum of care framework and using the primary health model of response to have an impact. MOSAIC creates an enabling environment within which personal empowerment and change can take place through targeted interventions on primary, secondary and tertiary levels.

The MOSAIC model and approach


Prevention of violence and abuse through access to justice, workshops and outreach.


Support and Response services through counselling and healing services.


Empowerment of survivors through skills building training and referrals.


MOSAIC values underpin all staff behaviours and their delivery of activities & services for survivor participation and leadership in the programme:


We strive to create an environment where all are welcomed and offered the same quality of service.


We consistently seek to communicate information and exchange ideas and thoughts which builds trust.


We will act ethically in all situations and consistently and ensure that all clients know they can depend on us.


We work in solidarity across staff, board members, members and beneficiaries – with the same goals.


We work with dedication in delivering quality services to ensure that our vision and mission is achieved.